Damian Tharcisius

Damian Tharcisius


Upholding the importance of
Reason, Beauty, Faith, Heritage & Humanity.


What the Christian Critique of Porn Gets Wrong

Porn is viewed with distaste by many, but it has, with the rise of cyberspace become one of the main human pass times? But I repeat: pornography is among the most vilified things in life nonetheless! Are we missing something?   

Strong Woman

Fleabag is a great show for a number of reasons, Whilst it had all the ingredients for devolving into a Politically Correct mess, It gets a number of things right: Notably its presentation of modern feminism and its impacts (much of it adverse) on modern Western women.

Why Bishop Barron is Wrong on Happiness

The Popular Catholic Bishop Barron has a lot to say on the plight of the modern man. Happiness is one. However, his often-cited mantra that 'money, power, pleasure, and honor do not make you happy' is not only wrong, but it is kind of screwed up.

milk, glass flowers

What I like about Rupi Kaur’s Poetry Complex & Provocative. Amongst other Things   My introduction to the Canadian poet Rupi Kaur came in late 2018 when I ran into an interview involving her and Emma Watson. A conversation that involved a number of subjects, with poetry being …

Why Sam Harris is Wrong

Christianity Epigraph “The same ideas, one must believe, recur in men’s minds not once or twice but again and again. And so, implying that the primary body is something else beyond earth, fire, air, and water, they gave the highest place a name of its …

Its Time for Star Wars (as we know it) to End - The Last Jedi (2017) Review

Movie Review It’s Time for Star Wars (as we know it) to End Epigraph “The most worthless of mankind are not afraid to condemn in others the same disorders which they allow in themselves; and can readily discover some nice difference in age, character, or …