Damian Tharcisius


Science and Faith are not adversaries. However, the worldviews that stem from a scientific outlook vs a scriptural one differ. In this essay, I argue why science fiction is becoming the alternative source of inspiration, vision and mythos underpinning the worldview of the modern world.

COVIDISM, DARWINISM AND DESIGN EPIGRAPH ‘O Lord, deliver me from the man of excellent intention and impure heart… Preserve me from the enemy who has something to gain: and from the friend who has something to lose…...And the others run about like dogs, full of …

The GOP and the Future of American Republicanism EPIGRAPH ‘The specific political distinction to which political actions and motives can be reduced is that between friend and enemy’.  – Carl Schmitt (The Concept of the Political).  In the past year or so I have been following …

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What Could be Wrong with Believing in Jesus Christ? Our Lord and Saviour! More than you Know: An Analysis that goes to the Heart of the Faith and the Reasons that Underpin its Decline.

What is the Greatest Western Anime? Many will say it is Cowboy Bebop. I say it is (probably) Outlaw Star. Here's why

St. Paul's is arguably the most influential Figure in this History of Christianity. However his contribuutions are not all postive. Far from it.